About FFP

Frank Frost Productions, LLC, is an award-winning film and television production company dedicated to entertaining and informational programming for broadcast, DVD, and the web. Founded in 1980 as a motion-picture production company, FFP has since produced independent documentaries for national broadcast as well as educational and corporate films and videos.
More than 100 million viewers have watched over 30 high-caliber FFP documentaries. These productions focus on historical, biographical, cultural, and religious subjects in pursuit of human understanding across cultures, nationalities, and religions. Many have aired on ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, and The Hallmark Channel; others have been shown in educational and corporate venues.
- The ten-part series Scandinavia was hosted by Walter Cronkite and aired on PBS.
- A reflection on the Declaration of Independence, The American Creed, aired on the Hallmark Channel and on PBS.
- Bernardin, about the high-profile life and death of Joseph Cardinal Bernardin of Chicago, aired on PBS.
- The Other Holy Land provided a tour of ancient Christian archeological sites in Turkey in examining the rise of Christianity in ancient Turkey (Asia Minor). It aired on the Hallmark Channel and PBS.
- Thérèse: Living on Love explored the life of St. Thérèse of Lisieux and the tour of her relics in the U.S. It aired on PBS.
- The 20-episode series, Spiritual Homepage, aired on the Odyssey Channel.
- A video biography, Pedro Arrupe: His Life and Legacy, was produced for Georgetown University and is now on the university’s web site.
FFP programs have been recognized with more than 100 national awards, including 15 CINE Golden Eagles, two US International Festival Gold Camera Awards, multiple NY Film Festival Awards, and four Gabriel Awards.
FFP’s body of work makes it particularly well suited to The Teilhard Project. It has developed a special niche because of its ability to examine various dimensions of religion suitable for the secular marketplace. Moreover, it demonstrates extensive international experience, including productions shot in Africa, Asia, Europe, South and Central America, as well as throughout the United States.
Select Broadcast Credits
The American Creed Hallmark Channel, 2006; PBS, 2007
1 x 60 All Americans profess a creed stating that “all men are created equal.” Examines how America has struggled to live up to that creed since the earliest days.
The Other Holy Land Hallmark Channel, 2003; PBS 2013
1 x 60 The roots of earliest Christianity arise out of the ancient ruins of Asia Minor, modern-day Turkey, to reveal how a small cult of believers in an executed Jew transformed itself into the world’s largest religion.
Thérèse: Living on Love PBS and NBC, 2000
1 x 60 Examines the extraordinary public response to the 1999 reliquary tour of St. Therese of Lisieux in the context of her life story.
Bernardin PBS (presenting station – WNET), 1998
1 x 60 In-depth look at the life, ministry, and impact on the nation and the Catholic Church of the late Joseph Cardinal Bernardin of Chicago.
Scandinavia PBS, 1996
10 x 30 Cultural documentary taking the first in-depth look to be broadcast in North America of the art, politics and people of the Nordic countries, hosted by Walter Cronkite.
Spiritual Homepage Odyssey Network, 1997 – 1999
20 x 30 Weekly magazine-format series that explores many facets of spiritual themes; highlights include documentary profiles and author interviews.
States of Faith NBC, 1994
1 x 60 Exploring the vital role religion plays in peoples’ lives, the documentary offers a glimpse inside the kaleidoscope of faith expression found in the nation today.
Marketplace Prophets NBC, 1991
1 x 60 A stimulating account of the challenges of economic justice that face the world on the brink of the 21st Century.
To Hope! A Celebration with Dave Brubeck PBS, 1983
1 x 60 A look inside the creative mind of a world famous musician, featuring the Dave Brubeck Quartet and full chorus and orchestra performing the jazz great’s then-new composition.
Who Is This Man? John Paul II in America ABC, 1980
1 x 60 Event documentary on the Pope’s first visit to the United States, requiring the coordination of 5 crews in 6 cities over 7 days.
Campaign for Human Development Radio & TV spots ABC, CBS, NBC, 1972-1985; 50 x 00:30; English/ Spanish language PSA’s – the first non-Ad Council public service spots to be picked up by all three commercial networks.
Church World Service Radio & TV spots ABC, CBS, NBC (local markets); 1977-1985; 4 x 00:30; PSA’s.